UN Secretary-General Antonio Guteres has requested the renewal of MONUSCO's mandate. He made this request during the presentation of his report on the situation in the DRC to the members of the UN Security Council, said Charles Antoine Bambara, Director of Public Information on Wednesday 15 March. - Interim Speech of the UN Mission in the DRC.

"In view of the growing threat of violence related to elections or the political situation, two other formed police units would be needed to improve the mobility of existing constituted police units. This will not result in any increase in the overall number of troops in the field. It is strongly analyzed in this report that Mr Guteres recommends to the UN Security Council that the mandate of Monusco be extended until 31 March 2018, "says Charles Antoine Bambara.

In this report, Antonio Guterres also expresses the need to strengthen the capabilities of MONUSCO police to face the security challenges on the ground in the DRC.

It notes that violence and threats against civilians are no longer concentrated solely in the eastern Democratic Republic of the Congo.

"Proximity violence and inter-ethnic clashes have multiplied and spread from areas already affected by armed conflicts, such as the provinces of North Kivu and South Kivu, to the province of Tanganyika, to the three provinces of Kasai and To the province of Central Kongo. The activities of armed groups in the east of the country have increased, particularly with the re-emergence of the former Movement of 23 March (M23), "notes the report.

For the UN Secretary-General, "the Mission's main strategic objective for the next 12 to 18 months will be to help create a climate conducive to the timely and peaceful, inclusive and credible elections in accordance with the provisions of The political agreement ".