With the appointment of Bruno Tshibala as prime minister, the aspirations of the people are disappointed, analyzes the coordinator of the New Society of Congo, Jonas Tshiombela.

"When one sees the expectations of the population, when one even observes the poll that was done at Radio Okapi [to find in the poll section of Thursday 6 April], you feel that the aspirations of the Congolese population are disappointed" , He points out.

Bruno Tshibala was appointed Prime Minister on Friday 7 April by President Kabila. He replaces Samy Badibanga who had held the same post since 17 November 2016.

Jonas Tshiombela wonders if we can make a choice "in the disappointment of a whole people".

"When you have a prime minister who starts on the basis of challenges, what popular support for his action could he wait for? It is the same pattern that brought Samy [Badibanga] and it is the same pattern that brings Bruno [Tshibala], "complains Jonas Tshiombela, who thinks" the future of the country is now in difficulties. "

The coordinator of New Civil Society of the Congo considers that Bruno Tshibala "does not have the strength to mobilize the population".

"There was a need for someone who can pull the possibility of mobilization from both the international and national levels. We have gone for disputes and not to have elections this year, "says Jonas Tshiombela.