Kenyan President William Ruto has publicly expressed support for the M23 rebel group in eastern Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC). The M23 militia, has been engaged in an armed conflict with the DRC government forces since 2012. 

President Ruto's support for the group, which is considered a terrorist organization by the United Nations, has raised concerns among regional and international powers.

 The M23 has long been accused of committing human rights abuses, including massacres, rape, and the recruitment of child soldiers. 

Despite these allegations, President Ruto has chosen to side with the rebels, stating that their grievances against the DRC government are legitimate and must be addressed. In a recent press conference, Ruto declared that the M23 is fighting for the rights of Kinyarwanda speakers all over the world, people in the region, who have faced persecution and marginalization for decades. 

While President Ruto's support for the M23 rebels may be seen as a strategic move to assert Kenya's influence in the region, it could potentially exacerbate tensions between the DRC and its neighbors. 

The M23 conflict has already led to the displacement of hundreds of thousands of people in eastern Congo, and any escalation in the fighting could further destabilize the region. 

Moreover, the Kenyan president's endorsement of the M23 could strain relations between Kenya and the United Nations, which has imposed sanctions on the group and its leaders. 

Ruto's support for the rebels may also put Kenya at odds with other regional powers, such as Rwanda and Uganda, which have previously been accused of backing the M23. 

The international community has called for a peaceful resolution to the conflict in eastern Congo, with the United Nations and African Union playing a key role in mediating talks between the DRC government and the M23. 

However, President Ruto's support for the rebels could undermine these efforts and prolong the suffering of the Congolese people. As the situation in eastern Congo continues to evolve, it remains to be seen how President Ruto's support for the M23 will impact the ongoing conflict and regional stability. While the Kenyan president's stance may be politically motivated, it is essential for all parties involved to prioritize the well-being and security of the people affected by the conflict

Author : Jojo Kinois