Jolie was a captivating and enigmatic sorceress, known throughout the land for her extraordinary powers. Her beauty was mesmerizing, and her abilities were unmatched. Many sought her assistance, but none could ever truly grasp the extent of her talents.

One day, Jolie's reputation reached the ears of Prince Muhozi, a young and ambitious leader of a far-off kingdom. The prince was intrigued by the tales of Jolie's prowess and decided to seek her out. He embarked on a long and perilous journey, facing numerous obstacles and challenges along the way, until he finally arrived at Jolie's enchanting abode.

Upon meeting Jolie, Prince Muhozi was immediately bewitched by her magnetic presence. He found himself unable to resist her charm and was quickly consumed by an uncontrollable desire for her.

Overwhelmed by his newfound infatuation, the prince begged Jolie to bestow upon him the power to rule the world. Jolie, however, was not easily swayed by the prince's pleas. She knew that such immense power could corrupt even the purest of hearts. Instead, she offered Muhozi a choice: he could either accept her guidance and learn to wield his newfound abilities responsibly, or face the consequences of his unchecked ambition.

Muhozi, blinded by his love for Jolie and the allure of power, chose the latter. As a result, he was cursed to wander the earth for eternity, never able to find peace or solace in his heart. His love for Jolie, though strong and unwavering, would forever remain unrequited, serving as a constant reminder of the tragic consequences of unchecked ambition.

Throughout the ages, the tale of Jolie and Muhozi continued to be passed down from generation to generation, serving as a cautionary tale of the dangers of unbridled ambition and the power of love to bewitch even the strongest of hearts.

Author : Rabdab Gubala